Tuesday, 9 June 2020

11th June 2020
Week: 9
Day: 2


  • BOOKLET - Completed by Monday 15th June
REMINDERS:  Random acts of kindness - Check it out :) It is infectious
  • Remember:  "Attitude is Everything"  
  • Self Regulation- Complete work by Lunch
  • Take up the challenge - Lunchtime Promotions
  • Panning for gold: How To How to do it
  • Black Rubbish bags for Friday community clean up :)
  • No Gum/Hooped earrings/Painted nails or body art (vivid drawings)
  • Friday Teaming B2
  • Friday SCIENCE B1/3
Work hard and Smile because Friday B4 is coming!!! Yayyyyy


  1. Seen by Diana! : )

  2. Seen by Diana

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. To the 1% who reads this
    Your skin isn't paper, don't cut it
    Your face isn't a mask, don't cover it
    Your body isn't a book, dont judge it
    Your life isn't a movie, don't end it
    Your heart isn't a door, don't lock it
    You're beautiful💓
    Be you...
    Now please spread this message to the other 99%
